How to Organically Improve Engagement on Your YouTube Channel
Do you want more subscribers on your YouTube channel? If so, you’re not alone. Many marketers and business owners use YouTube as a way to interact with their audience.
These opportunities can help you learn about the goals and pain points of your audience, which can help you build more valuable products and resources for your customers.
If you’re just starting your first YouTube channel, or not having luck growing and engaging with your subscriber base, you’re in luck. We are going to take a look at several ways you can grow your channel and improve the number of interactions you have with your customers.
Let’s dive in!
Encourage Channel and Email Subscriptions
There’s a good chance that you have an email list for your website right now, but do viewers on YouTube have a way to subscribe to your website’s email notifications. It’s worth noting that email marketing has a staggering 4,400 return on investment, making it one of the most effective ways to obtain and retain customers.
In the description of your YouTube videos, don’t forget to include a link to a landing page where visitors can subscribe for email updates. Sometimes, this addition will help catch the interest of consumers that viewed your videos and enjoyed your content but lost your channel in their feed.
Additionally, it’s vital that you mention in your videos that visitors should subscribe to both your email list and your channel. When you take this extra step you’re inviting people to engage with your brand in the comments section and your website’s contact page.
Create a Consistent Content Schedule
Regardless of your industry, subscribers will appreciate it if you create and announce a consistent content calendar for your YouTube videos. For example, if you tell people on your channel that you’ll post three videos a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, you need to make sure you’re consistently uploading videos on those days.
Imagine if you had a friend who kept promising that you guys would hang out, but only showed up a quarter of the time, would you consider them a good friend? Most people see this kind of behavior as unreliable, and they will not hesitate to cut ties with businesses and channels that don’t hold up to their end of the deal.
It’s fine to change your schedule over time, as long as you send out an announcement through email and let them know in your current videos. If you’re able to deliver your videos on time, visitors are more likely to watch your video and engage in the comments section.
Engage with Fans on Social Media
Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are great for growing your YouTube channel. There are countless people on these websites having discussions, sharing viral videos, and looking for new brands.
If you’re willing to engage with your audience through these platforms, you’re more likely to see engagement in the comments section of your videos. Generally speaking, the people who follow your Twitter page are the same people that will watch your new video uploads.
When you start engaging on social media, you encourage people to go to your videos and comment. Online communities are typically built across multiple platforms and devices, with social media acting as the point where all these different ideas merge.
The best way to grow your social media channels, which will help you grow your YouTube channel, is by hosting an online giveaway. You can offer something from your online store, if applicable. Otherwise, offer something like an Amazon gift card, which is bound to bring in more subscribers.
Online giveaways are great opportunities to get subscribers to tag their friends, which helps spread brand awareness. The more people that know your brand exists, the more followers and YouTube subscribers, which results in more opportunity for engagement.
Partner with Other Brands
Business and brand partnerships are fairly common on YouTube. Two channels with similar interests merge and create content together to share subscribers. For instance, an email marketing brand may produce content with an analytics brand because the two topics are closely linked.
You probably know plenty of channels relevant to your industry. Some of these people may have even inspired you to start your own channel. If you want to improve engagement, you should work with partner brands to create entertaining and interesting content.
One of the other benefits of this arrangement is you’ll build social proof with new visitors who find your channel through partner videos. When someone trusts the brand creating content with you, there is a better chance that they will see your business as reputable due to your partnership.
Building your YouTube channel takes time and effort. Don’t feel discouraged if you don’t reach a million subscribers in one month, or if your view to comment ratio is lackluster. You have to start somewhere.
Once you start forming partnerships, growing your email list, and engaging with your audience on social media, you’ll likely see an increase in your analytics. The key to keeping your numbers in the green is to consistently create valuable content for subscribers and engage with Subscribers at every available opportunity.
How to Improve Your Content Creation: 15 Helpful Writing Tips
Content marketing has been proven time and again to be a useful strategy for reaching potential customers. To do it well, your content creation needs to be on point. A big part of that? Writing in a way that connects with your target audience and clearly shows them what makes your brand better than competitors.
Are your writing skills up to par? Keep reading for 15 tips to make sure your marketing copy helps your business shine.
1. Know your content marketing audience.
If you are talking to physicists, you can talk about scintillation and refraction, but if your audience is a Kindergarten class, stick to calling the stars “twinkling.”
Take the time to research who you’re trying to target, so you can make sure anything you develop as part of your content marketing strategy is likely to catch their attention.
For your content marketing messages to be well-received, they need to be strategically timed.
2. Create and follow content creation deadlines.
If you’re inconsistent with your content creation efforts, your results will show it. An effective content marketing strategy includes well-planned and thought-out messages shared on specific platforms at key times – all in order to best reach your target audience. If you decide not to follow your deadlines, it’s ultimately your brand that will suffer.
3. Plan ahead with your content development.
What type of content are you creating? What is the main point? Although you might not make a formal outline, taking the time to think about what you want to convey and how you plan to communicate it will help you write more effectively.
4. Make the call to action crystal clear.
How do you want your target audience to respond to your content? Tell them! Ask them to contact you for more information, offer them an exclusive coupon if they sign up for your newsletter or encourage them to tag your brand on social media so you can engage with them there.
5. Keep content simple and in your voice.
Although lengthy words and sentences might make you feel smarter, they’re confusing and harder to read. Remember, the point of content creation is to share information and establish your credibility – not prove that you have a large vocabulary.
According to Webster’s Dictionary, the term ‘highfalutin’ means a pretentious language that is bombarded by high-flown bombastic words. Basically, it just means using too many $100 words when the basics are only needed.
David Ogilvy (known as “The Father of Advertising”) specifically recommended against using, “Jargon words like reconceptualize, demassification, attitudinally, judgmentally. They are hallmarks of pretense.”
Instead, he said, “Write the way you talk. Naturally.” By writing with your natural speaking voice, your text will be much easier to read and your brand’s personality will shine through.
6. Avoid lazy language.
I always think of Professor Keating in the Dead Poet’s Society for this one:
So avoid using the word ‘very’ because it’s lazy. A man is not very tired, he is exhausted. Don’t use very sad, use morose. Language was invented for one reason, boys – to woo women – and, in that endeavor, laziness will not do.
As you read over what you’ve written, are you using the best language possible? You may not be wooing women, but you are wooing current and potential customers!
7. Take out extra words.
Remove unnecessary words to ensure your content marketing messages are as compelling as possible.
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Remove extra words from your content marketing copy, even if you’re not limited by a word or character count. Look for throwaway words like “that” and “really,” and as you read over what you’ve written, think of ways to express the same idea with fewer words. In addition to making it easier for readers to take in and respond to your message, you’ll thank yourself for developing the skill when you do come up against character count limits.
8. Watch for word repetition.
As you read over your copy, do you see the same words used repeatedly? Although slipping in certain keywords or phrases throughout your content can be good for SEO, too much redundancy can really put off readers. Use synonyms instead of the same words close together (which Google’s latest algorithm actually encourages). If you have trouble thinking of them off the top of your head, remember is your friend.
9. Write in active voice.
As Grammarly explains, “Active voice means that a sentence has a subject that acts upon its verb. Passive voice means that a subject is a recipient of a verb’s action.”
So, for example, compare these two phrases:
Both are grammatically correct, however the active one is much clearer and more concise. Strong content creation often relies on active voice over passive, so watch for instances of those passive phrases sneaking into your blog posts, social media updates, etc.
10. Break up your content’s formatting.
David Ogilvy included advice about this as well:
Use short words, short sentences and short paragraphs.
No one wants to read a wall of text. If you have a lot of information you want to share, make it easier for your readers and make it that much more likely readers will at least skim all of the content you worked so hard to create.
As Abraham Lincoln said, “The problem with internet quotes is that you can’t always depend on their accuracy.”
Obviously that quote is incorrect, but a major side effect of having a vast quantity of information at our fingertips is that details are easily incorrectly attributed. Do your homework and cite your sources appropriately. You don’t want to accidentally share fake news in your content!
Successful content creation relies on striking visuals to complement your text.
12. Include compelling visual elements.
I touched on this above as well. Consumers respond well to images and videos, so make them a key part of your content creation efforts. Even if you’re writing text, think about ways you can incorporate a striking visual to complement your point.
13. Read it with fresh eyes – and out loud.
Coming back after taking a break for at least 30 minutes (or ideally overnight) – as well as saying and hearing what you’ve written out loud – can help you find notice redundant language and think about a better way to craft a phrase. As David Ogilvy advised:
Never send a letter or a memo on the day you write it. Read it aloud the next morning — and then edit it.
14. Proofread your content. Then proofread it again.
Remember that everything you create for your content marketing strategy – from your website to your social media marketing efforts – is a reflection of your business! Double and triple check for embarrassing typos or misspelled words. Watch for mistakes Spellcheck or Grammarly may miss, too! Here are some common ones that are easy to use incorrectly:
If you’re not sure how to create and/or follow a content marketing strategy, reach out for assistance! In the end, getting a little bit of help from a company like Three Girls Media can go a long way when it comes to getting the word out about your business.
This carries over to your actual content creation efforts, too. It’s always good to have a coworker or trusted friend offer their feedback if possible. They can help you clarify your point and check for mistakes you overlooked. As David Ogilvy said, “If it is something important, get a colleague to improve it.”
Author: Emily Sidley
With a strong background in writing, organization and creativity, Emily loves getting the word out about small and mid-sized businesses! She enjoys helping owners and entrepreneurs publicize their companies, and is happy to share her expertise with those managing marketing themselves. In addition to overseeing and running social media and blog… View full profile ›
7 Ways AI Marketing Can be a Game Changer for Businesses in 2020
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in marketing is at the center of exciting possibilities, and we are currentlyexperiencing an AI "gold rush." The impact of AI and machine learning (ML) is spectacular, and asbusiness owners and digital marketers, you can experience astounding benefits.AI in marketing is promising — making the solutions more efficient, intelligent, and consumer-friendly.As a small business leading organization, it is only evident that you, too, would want to strike goldand get that competitive advantage from cutting-edge AI apps for business marketing & ultimatelymore sales.So the question is not whether to indulge in AI but how to systematically investigate the problemscenarios in your business to drive in AI-powered solutions and advance at lightning speed.AI is far beyond the stage of short-term wins. With established, tried-and-tested marketingprocesses and innovative apps, you can improve your brand image and augment customerexperiences.Over the next decade, you can expect a profound transformation as AI-powered marketing toolsdrive in innovation to communicate to your potential users and convert prospects.In this post, we'll highlight seven popular ways AI marketing can augment your business in 2020.
Striking Gold—Ways to Boost Your Marketing Efforts Using AI
If the why is clear, then the how just automatically falls in place! Does it sound like a vaguephilosophy?In essence, it is quite simple — once you are convinced about the AI benefits (why), then you willundoubtedly find the ways to use AI in marketingLet's start by looking at ways to boost your marketing efforts using AI, and then look briefly at thebenefits of using AI in marketing.
1. Predicting Customer Behaviour with Propensity Models
Data is at the heart of making decisions. You can amplify digital data with computing power andprobabilistic prediction models. The algorithms can churn through data to produce more reliablebusiness decisions in real-time.How interesting would it be if you knew of prospects that are more likely to respond to an offer?With statistical scorecards like Propensity models, identification of potential customers has becomea reality.Machine Learning has unlocked the potential of propensity modeling — and fortified with propensityscores — you can understand the probability of an individual customer transacting and estimate thevalue of the customer.
As AdWords professionals, you can get impactful insights and recommended strategies to achieveyour coveted marketing goals — all you need to do is use AI and define your target audience andcampaign objectives. Your inputs can work as a trigger for the tool to automatically recommendstrategies.The approach is quite systematic, and all you need to do is identify objectives for data extraction,create and validate models, and manage the results.You can start by looking inside your organization and list down the problem case scenarios. Thereflection exercise will facilitate in identifying your business objectives and available sources of datato determine patterns that match your needs.At this point, data extraction will be possible. Next, you can use data mining before selecting a finalmodel. You can validate the models based on the set goals.Finally, you can apply the model results into business decisions and experience better outcomes. Youwould find it beneficial to continuously tweak the models, which will facilitate in best-in-classoutcomes.
2. Reducing Load Time Using Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP)
Imagine your content getting featured in the News Carousel — that'd be great, isn't it?With AI affecting SEO, you can find the digital marketing sphere transformed. You can use anAccelerated Mobile Page (AMP) to reduce load time and find your content in priority placementareas.With an AMP page, you can also increase the chances of your site ranking on the top three searchresults of Google and generate more organic web traffic.If you want to encourage content consumption, and your site is already mobile-friendly, then AMPmay be the right choice for you.Some of the big brand names use AMPs — eBay created AMP versions of their product listing pages,and it was a proof-of-concept that shop sites could use AMP for mid-funnel content.
3. Crafting Personalized Experiences with Intelligent Algorithms
Think about it — if you get marketing emails explicitly tailored for you, what happens? You guessedit! It is more likely that you engage with digital messages. You can make the most out of theresources that you already have with AI marketing tools.So automating tasks and creating personalized content facilitating unique experiences for eachcustomer are going to shape the future of marketing.The cloud-based content platform Uberflip makes it easy to personalize content and execute at scalefor B2B marketers with a diverse audience. The platform creates revenue-generating experiencesand not only boosts engagement, generates leads, but can also leverage content to meet yourunique goals.
Another interesting AI software that works on custom and personalized messages on your behalf—is Aizimov.The platform scours the web for social media, news sources, and financial transcripts and createsvalid emails and messages for each of your target audiences.How does the tool operate?The device is programmed to analyze a user's psychological profile and then decide on the kind ofmessage to create and how to word it. It also chooses the best channel, such as email, Twitter,LinkedIn, and more, to reach out to each prospect.AI can enhance the user experience with intelligent personalization on your site. With analyzing datapoints, AI can display personalized content, and analyze users' based on their location, device,demographics, past interaction, and more. The insights help to automate email marketing and sendregular push notifications to prospects based on micro-moments.You can find intelligent algorithms personalizing push notifications. With push notifications poweredby behavioral personalization, you can send specific messages to individual users, and delivering theright message at the right time.Take Pandora, for instance — it suggests new songs that listeners might like based on machinelearning algorithms. Music listening services are gaining a competitive advantage to bring in the bestuser experience.The algorithms also enhance website experiences — AI can display best-fitting offers and contentafter analyzing hundreds of data points about a single user.Personalization can help in creating meaningful user experiences — although contentpersonalization remains one of the biggest challenges for brands, with continuous refining ofalgorithms, you can find a crazy amount of things are possible with AI tools.
4. AI-Powered Content Creation
Before you can personalize content, you need to create it. With AI tools, content creation can addreal value for marketers producing high-performing content across every touchpoint and channel.Automated creation of business-related content is still in demand. According to Gartner, by 2018,20% of all business content was expected to be authored by machines.Though there was no significant growth in the automated creation of business-related content aspredicted — the prediction is still viable, and the global research firm anticipates more automatedbusiness content creation.You can observe digital content creation in enterprise content, including:● Contracts and reports● Profit and loss summaries● Real-time stock insights● Targeted messaging● Annual reports, press releases, and news articles● Personalized communications, and moreYou can find a plethora of AI tools that can facilitate content creation with simplicity and ease.Acrolinx is a remarkable platform that assists companies in strategically aligning content creation.The platform helps you create highly-effective content at scale.The software reads your content and fueled by the AI engine assesses your content, grades it, andhelps you with creating enhanced content. Global brands like IBM, Google, and Facebook are usingAcrolinx to produce on-target content at an enterprise scale.You can get recommendations for fresh social media content that your brand's users are likely toengage with better, with AI-powered marketing tool Rocco.Another facet that is crucial to social media marketing campaigns is visual content. With Stackla,discovering user-generated content (UGC) and turning it into authentic content that engages withpeople is possible.Using geolocation, keywords, hashtags, and advanced visual recognition technology, Stackladiscovers the best visuals from any social network and brings all visuals together for creatingactionable content experiences at every customer touchpoint.You can check out the trending AI apps and analyze if it suits your business needs, and then createmeaningful content using AI and ML.
5. AI-Fuelled PPC AdvertisingYou can uncover new advertising channels that aren't used by your competitors with AI systems.Most marketers allocate their pay-per-click (PPC) budgets to AdWords or Facebook. AI systems canhelp marketers with their ad delivery optimization.The AI marketing platform Albert provides services such as autonomous media buying. With AI, youcan quickly analyze, manage, and optimize paid ad campaigns with little human effort.
6. Content Creation Chatbots
Intelligent AI chatbots are nothing short of magic. The bots can augment customer experiences withpersonalized content marketing. With access to millions of customer-centered data points, chatbotscan predict what's causing issues for a particular user.They not only direct customer service interactions but can provide advice in the research phase.Consider Sephora's Kik bot that facilitates a user's makeup preferences by quizzing customers andfollows it up with specific product information.Another good example is Alibaba's AI-powered chatbot — developers programmed the bot to helpwith customer queries. During Alibaba's biggest sales day in 2017, the bot handled over 95% ofcustomer questions and responded to some 3.5 million consumers.The chatbots can rapidly improve their ability to diagnose and fix customer issues automaticallyusing various ML technologies, such as context dialogues, data mining, deep learning, semanticcomprehension, knowledge graphs, and more. The ability to fix customer issues and prompt thecustomer to take action can be great for your business.The need to create bots on the fly is also increasing, and ManyChat can help you create FacebookMessenger chatbots. The drag-and-drop feature eases coding implications and adds hefty analyticsand automation features.
7. Automated Image Recognition
Have you recently used Google Photos? You may have been amazed at the power of the softwarerecognizing people and images. With an accuracy exceeding 99%, you can augment the AI-poweredimage recognition to suit your unique marketing goals.As marketers, you can use the power of image recognition to sync online content and store visits.The facial recognition software can facilitate you in tracing customers' in-store visits and linking suchvideos to their customers' profiles.Global brands, such as Facebook, Amazon, and Pinterest, are already using image recognition toscan images and videos and help identify people and objects.Capsuling AI BenefitsWith myriad AI tools, you should choose to digitize your business. Some intangible AI benefitsinclude efficiency, saving time, and error-free results. You can quickly transform your business withAI recommending intelligent decisions and creating meaningful user experiences.
As CEO iRobot Colin Angle says, “It's going to be interesting to see how society deals with artificial intelligence, but it will be cool.”
So get ready to unleash the power of AI and enjoy productivity,profitability, and efficiency.
Your Turn to Strike Gold with AI
It's time you create a smart business with the power of AI. You will love engaging in creativedatafication, applying ML algorithms, and enabling real-time data flow and coordination.The culmination of AI technologies can facilitate in generating intelligent business decisions that cantranslate into retention, brand loyalty, and meaningful customer experiences.AI is poised to shape the future of marketing. The real question is: How can you use AI insights andtools to grow your business?
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