The Secret To Get Anything You Want In Life
When was the last time you asked for something?
I mean, boldly and clearly asking for something you wanted.
For most people, the concept of asking for what they want doesn’t even get put onto their mental to-do list.
In my time consulting with business and entrepreneurs, the one common thread I have seen separate the amateurs from the pros is their ability to ask for what they want..So why do so few people actually do it?
One thing’s for sure: you don’t get what you don’t ask for.
The good news is, it’s totally possible to make your asks while maintaining your composure and worth. Here are 5 tips to help you ask for what you want and get everything you want in life.
1. Ask someone who can actually give it to you.
When it comes to networking and asking people for help, I can’t keep track of the times clients have said they “network” but when I find out who they are talking to, it is abundantly clear why they aren’t landing interviews. No matter how great your people skills are, if you are talking to the wrong people, you won’t ever get the right job.
This one sounds obvious, but it’s not.
2. Be clear in what you are asking for.
There is nothing worse than someone saying, “I am not happy and need help,” but when asked what can be done to help them, they have no ideas or direction on their specific needs.
Start to focus on exactly what you are asking for. If it is a new job, be clear on the exact function or type of job you want to do, what city you want it in and what industry would be ideal. People cannot help you if you are not clear. Like my grandma used to always tell me: a confused mind always says no.
When you can give someone a powerful visual of what you are looking for, it will help stick in their memory. The phenomenon of the pictorial superiority effect affirms that people tend to remember visuals over audible words. When talking to someone, create as much of a visual as possible. This means being specific in your ask.
For example, if you are a consultant, and someone asks what kinds of business you are looking to work with, don’t answer, “Oh, I will work with anyone” ... This is a blank slate. Instead, get specific, for example: “I really thrive when working with medium-sized businesses that are in the finance industry.”
Suddenly, the person you’re talking to knows where to look, and who to talk to.
3. Be vulnerable.
When it comes to support and trust in a person or a brand, 86% of people say authenticity matters. If you aren’t being authentic with your request, you aren’t going to get what you want.
The truth is, authenticity requires a level of vulnerability and being open about your needs and wants. It is hard to be authentic when you consider how vulnerable it makes you, especially if someone responds to you with a “no.”
Remember, there’s a fine line between addressing an insecurity and shining a spotlight on a weakness. There’s a fine line between what’s personal and what’s private, and I recommend assessing within yourself: what feels personal and vulnerable? Alternatively, what feels private? Stepping into opening your heart and creating connections through personal stories and truth is a powerful career move.
4. Ask again.
When it comes to making asks, realize that you don’t have to live in scarcity. You have every reason to be able to keep asking for what you want because remember: some of the greatest works of art were rejected before the artists were recognized for their magic.
Commit yourself to be persistent in the pursuit of what you want. Realize that creativity is actually the result of persistence. You will begin to find the connection between seemingly unrelated things. Your persistence will begin to show you avenues to get your “yes” that weren’t so easy to see in the beginning. When it comes to success, persistence does play a contributing factor and research shows it even trumps talent.
I am not saying to spam a few contacts over and over with your request, but just because someone said no today, doesn’t mean they would still say no in a month, or a year.
On that note, never underestimate the power of a follow-up email. Take note to follow up with people who didn’t reply, as it’s a key leadership move not to take their silence as a rejection. Perhaps after you follow up, if you don’t hear back, it’s then time to simply ask someone else to support you in achieving what you want.
5. Be gracious when you receive a no.
Rejection once doesn’t mean rejection forever. And if it does, choose to respect the grace.
You don’t want to react with anger or aggression when someone turns down your request or doesn’t hire you. This will only burn more bridges for your future. You never know what led them to say no in the first place; perhaps it was out of their control.
Also realize that how you relate to someone’s “no” is one of the biggest determinants of your long term career success. It’s not personal, and it’s not a rejection. People simply offer up what they’re game to offer, and you can always relate to someone’s “no” or non-response as a permission slip for you to also say no sometimes. You’re human, and that means you cannot do everything… neither can the people you’re asking!
Instead, thank them for their time and choose to view it as a learning lesson and opportunity to become better. Your response to rejection actually affects your health. People who have a “glass-half-full” attitude are less likely to have poor cardiovascular health, blood pressure and risk for viral infections.
I hear it all the time, a company says no, and the candidate replies with dignity and affirms their long term interest and the company ends up circling back around later to offer an opportunity.
Don’t be afraid to step into your voice and speak from your heart to get what you want. Trust me, you will be surprised by how many people are willing to help.
Now get out there and go after what you want!
What Can We Do to Help Teenage Boys Become Better Men?
For the last 25 years, journalist Peggy Orenstein has been documenting and dissecting the inner lives of teenage girls in America, exploring why some young women struggle with confidence or harbor secret Disney princess obsessions. But with the #MeToo movement shining an overdue light on sexual assault, she’s turned her reporting to a newly urgent subject: the burgeoning sex lives of teenage boys, and the lessons they’re learning (or not learning) about how to be a man.
Her method is simple: she talks to teens—hundreds of them—then compiles their stories to share their internal struggles with the world, providing the rest of us with a nuanced look inside their homes, schools, friendships and more. “It’s truly about being open and curious," she told GQ over the phone, “giving them the space to explore themselves without criticism or judgment.”
In 2016, Orenstein released a groundbreaking study (and massive New York Times bestseller), Girls & Sex, that pulled back the curtain on the complicated terrain of hookup culture, the unfortunate realities surrounding assault, and how porn and its misrepresentations of women have seeped into girls’ lives.
For her new book, Boys & Sex, she asked more than 100 college and college-bound guys between the ages of 16 and 22 about things they don’t often open up about: intimacy, masculinity, and consent. The result is a stunning portrait of young men in quiet crisis: desperate to break out of the “man box,” where emotional vulnerability is taboo, but afraid of being ostracized and ridiculed if they do, and unsure of where to turn for help and advice.
She spoke with GQ about why adults need to have uncomfortable conversations with teenagers, how free porn has changed the way guys think about sex, and what kids really mean when they say the word “hilarious.”
GQ: I noticed you mentioned GQ in your book, in relation to a study we performed in 2018 that showed 47 percent of American guys hadn’t discussed #MeToo with anyone.Orenstein: When the Kavanaugh stuff was happening, I checked in with boys and said, "How are you guys talking about this?" They basically said they weren't, that boys weren't discussing it with other boys at all. If they talked about it, it was just with girls.
Why is that, do you think?When I first started writing about girls in the ‘90s, there was a recognition that it was an inflection point. People were like, oh my God, we've layered all these new expectations over the old ones without actually getting rid of the old expectations. It was causing this huge tension and pressure on young girls, which I think is sort of where we are with boys.
I speak to parents of girls and they would say to me privately, "But you know, I'm afraid to raise a girl to be more assertive, to stand out, to speak her mind, because what if she gets called a bitch? What if nobody wants to be her friend, what if guys don't like her?" I feel like that's what I'm hearing right now about boys. "Okay, we know we have to do something different, but it's risky and it's scary. What happens if it bounces back and hurts my child?"
Since then, a lot of people have created an environment where we could talk to girls about these issues. It's not perfect. There's still a lot to be addressed, but girls have a much more expansive idea now about what it means to be female and that's to their benefit. It's time to bring boys into that conversation.
How to give a really great GDC talk
The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra’s community.The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company.
The Game Developer's Conference starts in less than 2 months. It is so close that I am already planning out when I am going to my barber so I look sharp but don’t have that first-day-of-school-I-just-got-a-haircut look.
I am excited to be giving two talks in GDC 2020. Here they are:
How people shop for your game
What to write so people buy
Back in March 2019 I gave the biggest talk of my career at the Game Developers Conference. It was all about email marketing. You can watch it here.
I thought it went well just judging by crowd reactions. I had no idea...
When I received the feedback report I was shocked to discover it was the highest-rated talk among the entire GDC 2019 summit!
Several people suggested I do a GDC talk about how to do a GDC talk. I am not ready to do that. Instead, here is a brain dump of some rules I use when writing and giving my talk. If any of this doesn’t make sense just ask me.
If you have a talk in GDC 2020 congrats! I can’t wait to watch it and meet you. If you didn’t get accepted to GDC this year but want to give a talk, this will hopefully help too (see the section at the bottom for tips on getting in)
Here are my tips.
My talk was ranked #1 by the attendees. But that is in no way an indication that it was the best talk. Here are some disclaimers to put this in context.
First a disclaimer. Privilege alert big time.
I am a white cis man. We have been the voice of authority for so long that people are just used to, and are comfortable with, us talking. I am absolutely sure that women and POC speakers got fewer positive votes and more nasty comments just because of who they are. I am sure systemic sexism and racism wrongly affects the ratings of non-white male speakers because of the sound of their voice, because they “seem” to be unsure of themselves, or a million other tiny shitty reasons. Before we begin I want to signal boost some awesome talks that I saw at GDC 2019 that deserve to be ranked just as high as mine:
Bonus: Victoria also wrote up a great article about how to beat your fears and give a talk
Second disclaimer: These are just the rules I live by when I give my talks.
I am not saying that if you don’t follow these you can’t give a good talk. There are many great speakers who have a completely different style from me. All I am trying to say is that these are the rules I follow when I write and give my talks. Also my topic was an informative talk (meaning I was trying to teach something.) Advocacy talks have a totally different tone and goal. Not all of these tips will apply for other types of talks. But at least some could.
Third disclaimer: I had the last slot of the day with a boring title like “Email Marketing.”
The only people who would attend a talk like that had to be business-minded and anyone who would have hated my talk probably decided to go to dinner instead. Several other GDC talks earlier in the day were more general interest and better attended. That means my audience was more tuned in and more likely to give me a high rating.
Fun fact: Grace Bruxner's great talk was at the exact same time as mine and both our talks were about "building." The GDC schedulers were like eh... this is building hour.
How I write my talk
Hey this is the line in front of my talk. It is really cool to see.
Preparing for my talk
This is what it looks like 23 seconds before your talk starts. From the speaker's point of view it seems like we are giving a talk to glowing hair.
Giving my talk
Additional insider tip: they let you hug the signs when you are a speaker.
Secret tip section - How to get a GDC talk
That is all I got. Speaking is really fun. It doesn’t sell games but it opens doors with people who have a lot of influence in the game’s industry. Those folks can help you sell your game.
Again, let me know if you have any questions.
This blog originally appeared in my secret newsletter that I publish every week. If you like this and want to get stuff like this before anyone else, subscribe here
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