Wednesday 29 January 2020

Photography Cheat Sheet

Photography Cheat Sheet: Tips for Photographing Moving Subjects

Having a hard time keeping moving objects in focus in your shots? Today’s photography cheat sheet should help!
One of the most challenging and sometimes frustrating parts of photography is capturing moving subjects in sharp focus. It helps to master your shutter speed, but there are also some tricks you can employ to use motion to your advantage. Whether it’s a speeding vehicle, playing kids, pets moving around, or other subjects in motion, today’s photography cheat sheet should be able to help.
If you’ve yet to perfect capturing motion, the photography cheat sheet below, put together by Snap Paper, has a bunch of tips showing some of the tried and tested ways to do it. These include more creative techniques like photographing moving water and panning with your camera.
One of the first things you should do with your camera is set it in shutter priority mode. This will allow your camera to set the aperture based on the ISO and shutter speed you selected. Next, set the focus mode to dynamic instead of single shot, so your camera will keep focusing as long as you keep the shutter half-pressed.
If you want to capture fast-moving objects like cars in sharp focus, start with a shutter speed of 1/250th sec. For race cars, you have to go faster at 1/1300th sec. If it’s moving people you want to photograph, you can go as fast as 1/250th sec to freeze the motion of running people, or 1/125th for walking subjects.
Photographing motion doesn’t only involve freezing movement; another trick is to use motion blur to emphasize activity and suggest dynamic scenes. For example, you can go for slower shutter speeds to blur the movement. For people, shoot at 1/30th sec for running subjects and 1/60th sec for walking subjects. For moving vehicles, you can go with either 1/125th sec or 1/250th sec, depending on how fast the car is moving. You can even blur the movement of bodies of water with a shutter speed of 1/8th sec or slower, depending on the results you want.
One last trick to master when photographing moving objects is camera panning. This technique is a powerful way to demonstrate movement, and produces a sharply focused subject against a blurred background. To do this, set your shutter speed to at least 1/60th sec and follow the moving subject with your camera, keeping it in the frame. Increase your shutter speed as necessary.
Don’t forget to browse through our collection of photography cheat sheets for more photography tips and tricks like this!

‘Million Dollar Listing’: What Dream Does Tyler Whitman Keep Having About Britney Spears?

Tyler Whitman from Million Dollar Listing New York has a recurring dream about Britney Spears every time he goes all-in with a weight loss program.
Tyler Whitman, Steve Gold
Tyler Whitman, Steve Gold
Tyler Whitman and Steve Gold |Heidi Gutman/Bravo/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images
Whitman recently created a special health and nutrition Facebook group called The Human ROI. The group now has more than 1,000 members and everyone is following the Whole30 nutrition program throughout the month of January. Whitman leads the group, offering tips and insights along the way. He also invites celebrity guests to go live with him to discuss their struggles not only with health but with staying focused and goal attainment.
When Whitman chatted with Showbiz Cheat Sheet, he shared a dream he has every time he embarks upon a new health journey. He said he has this dream at least 10 times while he’s trying to lose weight and get healthy. And the dream has everything to do with pop icon Britney Spears … and Twinkies.
Spears and Twinkies all month long
Whitman says weird dreams are a known phenomenon in the Whole30 world. Around the third week of the program, people have extremely vivid dreams they’ve cheated on the diet.
“You wake up and like the first 10 minutes, you’re convinced that really happened,” he says. “My cheat dream has been the same and I have it, I’m not kidding, like 10 times per Whole30.” The Whole30 program typically lasts about one month.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Britney Spears (@britneyspears) on Jan 7, 2018 at 12:06pm PST
The setting may be different between dreams, but Whitman says the story is always the same. “I meet Britney Spears somewhere and she asks me if I want to share a Twinkie with her,” he recalls. “I know I’m on the Whole30, but it’s like, ‘When else am I doing to be able to share a Twinkie with Britney Spears?!’ So I always have a Twinkie with Britney Spears.”
The funny part of the story is when Whitman wakes up. “Every time I wake up I’m like, ‘Oh that was so worth it.’ I would 100 percent cheat on the Whole30 to have a Twinkie with Britney Spears.”
And Twinkies aren’t his cheat food
Whitman says he’s always having a Twinkie with Spears in his dream, but Twinkies aren’t his favorite cheat food. The reason he continues to have this dream is something more subliminal. “It’s really a beautiful tribute,” Whitman shares. “My gosh, this is probably something I’ll talk about because it is such a special part of my life.” The dream is tied to Whitman’s beloved personal trainer who died.
The trainer introduced Whitman to the Whole30 about five years ago and was a big believer in the program. “He was a hysterical gay man,” Whitman recalls fondly. “When I did [the Whole30] the first time he was like, ‘Even if [you are tempted], you have to say no.'” The trainer showed Whitman a GIF of Britney Spears throwing Twinkies.
Whitman only saw the GIF once, but the image stuck with him and lives on in his subconscious. But if Whitman were to cheat, would it be with a Twinkie?
“Even in my heavy days, sweets would never be an issue,” he says. “It would be French fries. Like French fries in all different ways. I like them smothered. I like them plain, I like them with cheese and bacon. French fries are my jam.” Unfortunately, now that Whitman is deeply into this Whole30 month he’ll have to wait a few weeks before he can devour a fry.

The Indispensable Social Media Cheat Sheet [Infographic]

When setting up social media posts, it's easy to get into a routine in what you post, when you post, and how you set up your posts.
Today's infographic may pull you out of that rut. In addition to sizing specs, it also includes keyboard shortcuts and tips for posting on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
The infographic, created by On Blast Blog, highlights tools that complement each social platform. It also includes the best times of the day to post and trends marketers should expect in social media.
And it wraps up with a formula for writing irresistible headlines.

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